Pool & Court

How to Schedule a Pool Party

The basics:

  • Parties must have prior written approval by the Sedgefield Recreation Committee
  • Email sedgefieldhoa@gmail.com to request approval
  • Parties are limited to 2 hours
  • Only 1 party at a time
  • No private parties – the pool remains open to our residents/guests during your party
  • Please pick up after your party – put away all garbage, return pool furniture to standard positions, ensure bathrooms are clean, etc.
  • Ensure that your attendees follow the Sedgefield Pool Rules.

Sedgefield Pool Rules​

  • The Sedgefield Homeowners Association and its Board of Directors are not responsible for any accident or injury in connection with the use of the pool. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk.
  • The swimming pool “open season” shall generally be Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend annually.​
  • Pool hours will be 8:00 am until 10:00 pm (Sunday – Thursday) and 8:00 am until 11:00 pm (Friday and Saturday).
  • Members/residents and their guests only (maximum 6 guests per member household) may be present.
  • The pool must be illuminated for night swim (state law).
  • Entry gates must be kept closed and locked at all times.
  • The location of the state permit has been directed by the State Inspector and is not to be removed or relocated (state law).
  • All children under the age of 12 years and non-swimmers under the age of 21 years must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or supervising adult.
  • Children in diapers are not allowed in the pool unless they are wearing a swim diaper or plastic swim pants. This is a public health requirement for the safety of all using the pool.
  • Proper bathing attire is required at the pool.
  • No glass containers of any kind. Use of glass containers is strictly prohibited as a public health requirement.
  • Consumption of food and beverage is permitted on the pool decking area; however food and beverage must remain at least 5 feet from the pool at all times. This is a public health requirement for the safety of all that use the pool.
  • No alcoholic beverages allowed.
  • No smoking allowed inside the covered pool area.
  • Only standard, single person rafts or single person floatation devices are allowed and may be used if there is adequate space in the pool. Individuals with physical impairments supported by a statement from a licensed physician that a more complex condition(s) exists to require use of other special devices (state law).
  • Larger/older children are encouraged to use the deeper end of the pool when small children are present.
  • No diving, running, fighting or rough play is allowed inside the fenced pool area.
  • No pets/animals inside pool fence or in pool.
  • No “parties” or swimming groups except as sanctioned by the Association through consent by the Recreation Committee or Board of Directors.
  • No one with open sores or infections shall be allowed to be in the pool. This is a public health requirement for the safety of all using the pool.
  • It is every homeowner’s responsibility to properly dispose of all litter into the garbage cans provided. If you brought it with you, please dispose of it properly. Be sure to check and remove all personal toys, towels, etc., from the pool and decking areas before you leave.
  • Members/residents and their guests using the pool shall ensure that entry gates are locked when no other members are remaining in the pool area.
  • Homeowner Association dues must be current in order to use the pool facility.
  • Always be courteous and aware of others using the pool at all times.

Sedgefield Court Rules (pickleball, tennis, and basketball courts)​

  • The Sedgefield Homeowners Association and its Board of Directors are not responsible for any accident or injury in connection with the use of the tennis, pickleball, and basketball courts.
  • Courts are open from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm (Sunday – Thursday) and 8:00 am until 11:00 pm (Friday and Saturday).
  • Members/residents and their guests only (maximum 6 guests per member household) may be present.
  • The time limit for play when others are waiting is 45 minutes.
  • Only tennis shoes with non-marking soles may be worn on the court. No black soles allowed.
  • Courts are for Sedgefield members/residents and their guests only.
  • The basketball goal is provided for use by Sedgefield members/residents and their guests only.
  • A Sedgefield member/resident must accompany guests at all times. The resident must assume responsibility for the conduct and behavior of their guests.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, or any other objects that might damage the court surface are prohibited.
  • No food or drinks are allowed on the court other than water.
  • No pets are allowed on the court.
  • Trash, empty ball cans, or old balls of any kind are not to be left in the enclosure.
  • No climbing on or other abuse of the net, or fences, is permitted.
  • No abusive or profane language is permitted.
  • No other activity other than tennis, pickleball and basketball is allowed in the court area.
  • The gate door is to remain locked when no other residents are remaining to play on the premises and the court is not in use. Keys may not be provided to anyone other than Sedgefield residents.
  • Members/residents and their guests shall ensure that court lights are illuminated and appropriately turned off when night play is involved.
  • If you plan to have a group out to play at the pickleball/tennis courts, please fill out the recreation party form and return it to the Board of Directors. This is for liability issues as well as to inform others that there is a scheduled event.